My new companion’s name is Elder Anderl... He’s an American with glasses and he loves computers ..................... and I love him. It’s cool training... kinda... but it’s hard too. It’s really tiring being the only one who talks all day haha. The new area is close to my old one... I’m seeing some people from the Betio 1st area which is good.. it’s a cool area. I’m kinda shy haha... I’m not... but sometimes when we're walking through the houses I’m shy cz it’s packed in heaps... Heaps of houses ay. And my last area was the bush... But it’s all good too... I’m doing pretty well so far I think... But it’s hard to teach someone a new language. Prayers please!
Elder Kiaitonga stayed in Bonriki and his new companion is an American. It was funny cz he was scared to get an American cz he’d be a white guy and not be cool with some stuff and he wouldn’t pay for him, I guess he felt that way when he was getting an Australian too… Elder Kiaitonga is from Bonriki but he is serving full time in his own home… the Kiribati missionaries have nothing and can’t afford anything apart from their food... So he was worried a little. But he should be fine... We were sad to leave each other.
My new house is awesome... it’s behind a chapel and on the beach and the wind is amazing every night and I love the house cz it’s pretty far from the road too so it’s not noisy :) I love the house :)
My birthday?? Lol I don’t really need anything ay! I live comfortably haha... You can just like keep the money if you want... Buy someone something nice... Or I dunno... Send something I can exercise with lol I dunno... that was thinking too hard.
This new calling I have is intense but I’m sure glad I was with Kiaitonga.... He taught me soo much... I love him... I just bought him a new white shirt... and then he had no money so he asked me for some lol I love that kid... I’d help him out with anything.
………….. don’t stress about my birthday I’m in a place that’s a lot different from Australia and I don’t really need that much stuff haha... So anything you send will be awesome...
Please send my love to everyone... Cz I love em... And I want them to know. Don’t worry about me... The Lord is my boss... And he’s a really caring boss lol I love you heaps.
Tia bo tinau(good bye mum)
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