So.. things have changed! I am selfishly grateful he didn't go to an outer island yet... but more importantly proud of his progress.
Mauri Mummi,
So plans changed :( I’m not going to outies.... I’m shattered as! What makes it worse is I’m getting transferred to Betio 3rd... training and the District Leader... I don’t want to do it. That’s a lot of stuff on my shoulders... my boy is coming in next Tuesday so we'll see what happens... I got told he’s an American and that’s it.
So that’s kind of big news... I wanted to go to outies... I just gotta suck it up and step up now!
Anyway, don’t worry it’s all good... I’ll still email you every week lol... but I am scared ay..
It sounds like life’s good over there... you all sound happy... I got Sarah’s news :) My first niece :) That’s cool that they moved close to the beach :) I’ll go stay there when I get back :)
That’s cool the Lawtons came to visit Moe.. How's Cameron doing on his mission? And I met someone in Kiribati who knows you lol… he works for the church and was visiting for a couple of weeks... I met him at the airport and he recognised my name..."you wouldn’t happened to know Lesley?" lol… Wayne Maurer I think... he said you grew up together in YSA or something... that was funny.
I got your package :) I was stoked as haha... all the foods gone now... I got the package on Wednesday haha... thanks heaps..!
We had 6 people get baptised on Saturday :) Good times in Bonriki... I’m gonna miss it :) Me and Elder Kiaitonga are getting along real well too... I don’t wanna leave him haha! The work is so different working with a Pacific Islander!
I’m nervous to go to Betio ay.... District Leader is gonna be hard... it’s good now cz I have absolutely no responsibility, I can just put my head down and work and see the results of the efforts we make to be obedient. But now I’m gonna have heaps... now I am going to be responsible for others obedience and work. I will try not to complain in my emails but if i do I’m sorry haha....
I’ve sent you some photos... I hope you like them :) Thanks more for my camera!!!
Send my love to everybody...
EEEEElllllllddddddeeerrrrrrrr NNNNNNyyyyyyyeeeeeeee
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