Mauri Mum
Man thanks sooooo much for the package!!! That was awesome!!! The best thing was the book with everyone’s notes in it!!! Man that was awesome!! How did you get all of that!!?? It made me happy as... and all the other stuff too!! We haven’t eaten the stuff yet... I think we'll do it tomorrow :) and the basketball!!! Man that’s like a really expensive basketball…. It’s awesome thanks heaps!!
Elder Anderl is cool ay... lol… last night I had my first breakdown with being in a house with 3 Americans lol … they were annoying me hard out… but it’s all good... but yeah Anderl is cool as... he’s doing pretty well with everything and he’s not too sick yet so that’s good. I’ve found it’s really good being the senior comp... cz right now I’m getting to know people really well... before it was only a little bit... I’ve got a Mum now in this area…sometimes I take my washing to her and everything... :) LOL… it’s just like you are to the missionaries back home :)
Well I really couldn’t tell you when phone calls are... I’ll try my best to find out though :) It’s close ay :) I’m excited... and tell the family if they can’t make it don’t freak out ay... cz they have other family to go see and I can understand it... they’re just talking to me on the phone so it’s not the most exciting thing... I’m just saying that spending Christmas with the whole family is important so if they need to be elsewhere I won’t be mad or hurt... that’s just the way it goes.
The work is going okay but I don’t think we'll have a baptism this week... it’s a really big change from going to over 10 peeps at church to having only 1. I’m trying though... I’m getting to know the ward but the Bishopric is struggling. The Bishop had a stroke a bit before we got to the area so he’s just recovering slowly and can’t do anything... and the 2nd Counsellor doesn’t really come to church very often cz he’s a cop and his work keeps him busy on Sundays. The first counsellor runs the show... so on Sundays we bless the sacrament and teach a class and yesterday we had to confirm one of our peeps... that was my first time and it was a little scary! But it went well I think... I need to somehow get the bishopric going again... I dunno I’ll do my best though!!
Mumma please send my love to everyone haha love love love
Elder Nye
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